disciple now is always such a fun time for the youth at church. i was so lucky to have the opportunity to lead the juniors and seniors this year. it's funny...i had both of these groups when they were in 7th grade as well. it's amazing how God is at work with these girls, and i can see how far they have come from those bratty middle schoolers who made me rethink becoming a teacher! our speaker Chris spoke about becoming abandoned to God-we are lost, found, and called. we must be able to identify ourselves as His children and come to the realization that He has faith in us like He wants us to have in Him. the girls really opened up...of course that may because they are too crazy for words!!!
the most important thing to realize is that other than the sessions, FOOD is the most important part of the weekend! we stuffed ourselves and between friday at 7 and sunday morning we had 6 gallons of sweet tea...from chick-fil-a of course! the mix of girls was unique and added up to NO cliques, NO arguments, and NO sleep! imagine having 10 girls in a house with only 2 showers and there being no problems. we went bowling for free time on saturday and everyone had a great time doing that...except staphanie whose arm got tired...weakling!
ok...here are some pics...
...this one was after our shaving cream fight with the youth minister!
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