Sunday, April 29, 2007

it's a long one!

i have sooo much to say tonight, and since i've made 2...that's right...TWO...trips to starbucks today, i'm wide awake to share it all!

first, i led another disciple now at a church in a neighboring county. it was tons of fun. we talked about putting on the armor of God. i had middle school girls, so you can only image the conversations we had while on our sugar highs! here are a couple of cute pics...second...a HUGE THANKS to martha! for this amazing RAK! LOVE IT!!!

third...happy birthday Brett! we all went to ESPN Zone last night for dinner. great fun...and pretty good food! here are some shots of the night...

this is the group...those that came. the next one is what happens when people try to take normal pictures of phillip! it's amazing because dani is always smiling...hmmm...fake smile???

brett and mo...sooo cute! i just love this one!

then there's stephie and me...i guess phil's not the only one who can't take a normal picture!

as if all of that wasn't's a random list of things that have made me happy or made me think over the past couple of days...
:) have you ever driven down the road and in front of you the sky is blue and getting dark, behind you the sky is pink (gorgeous!), the sun is to your left, and the moon to your right. AMAZING!!!
:) do you have a friend you can be mad at, put all your cards on the table, talk for an hour on the phone, then wind up scrapping together all night? if you don't have a wonderful best friend you can do all of this with...within 24 should find one! a best friend is such a blessing!
:) tv on dvd...i may have said this before, but one of the best creations EVER...other than google!
:( the future...why is everyone i know getting engaged or married. i'm the oldest, it should be me!!!

ok...that's all for now. let me know what you're thinking about today...

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