Monday, May 28, 2007

lots 'o layouts!

so, i'm finally posting some of the LOs i did last week...i'm almost caught up on my 2007 album!

i have so many fun ideas for mini albums; i just hope i can get them all done-or at least started-before i have to go back to school!

on this memorial day, take time to remember those who are serving or who have served and given their lives for our freedom. we are so lucky to live in this nation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


there have been fires in south georgia going on for a while now...and today, the haze and smell of smoke are covering the state! as soon as i walked outside, i thought the house was on fire! the smokiness covers all of metro atlanta! i heard on the radio that 600 square miles are covered with a black cloud...CRAZY!!! rain, please come and wash the haze away!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

another great weekend has come and gone, and judging from the temp outside, summer is just about here!

saturday was a good day...went to my lss, and the owner asked me if i could work at the store this summer while she's gone for a couple of weeks!!! wooohooo!!! maybe i'll get some things done while i'm there! on the way home, my mom and i went and played bingo. i know it sounds rediculous...but it's way too much fun!

yesterday was a great sunday...after church, anna, tim, and i went to the art show and the taste of fayette. you buy tokens and use the tokens to "sample" local restaurants that are all set up in tents downtown. we had really good quisadillas and topped them off with cotton fav! there were some beautiful things at the art show. i wish i had money to buy some of the things. tim is all about art, so he had more of an appreciation for the things we saw. anna and i zoomed in on the jewelry! i wish i would have taken more pics; i only got this one of anna and i as we were headed back to the car...

i'm headed back to my house tomorrow, and i plan on doing nothing but scrapping all week!!! it's been too long since i've done that! hopefully, you'll see lots of those LO's posted soon :)

i'm off to lunch with anna banana...have a marvelous monday!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

what to do??!

i'm sooooooooooooooooo bored! there's only so much time you can spend here or here or playing sudoku! i'm stuck at my parents' house, so i have no scrappy supplies :(

if you read this on sat night, give me something to do...until then, i'll be sitting pitiful!

EDIT-ok...i was wrong! i've been on those two sites all night! i guess i wasn't too bored after all :) good night!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


my holly...i'm going to miss you sooooooo much! God has blessed me by putting you in my life, and i can only imagine the things he has planned for you over the next month. the mozambique people better be nice to you and let you come home safe! i love you, and i'll see you at bagage claim in june :)

Monday, May 14, 2007


hope all you moms out there had a wonderful mother's day! ours was a fun, full day, and i think my mom really enjoyed it!

we started out, after church, at my aunt's house for lunch. yummmmy! then, while the moms washed all the dishes, the men sat outside on the front porch...hmmm...something seems wrong with that!
here we are...benjamin mama, aunt dorothy, daddy, and me!
this is what i gave mama...the stems on the flowers are all b&w pics of the fam...
after that, we headed over to holly's for her graduation/going away party. she's leaving on tuesday for a 3 week mission trip to mozambique,, we're some cute SINGLE girls!

to end up the day, we went to visit my uncle for his birthday...this is him with his wife, 2 of his daughters, and one of the grand daughters...sorry kayla...i know you were already in your pj's!

hope you don't mind me sharing all of these was just such a fabulous day! just one more of me and was just too cute not to put on here!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

the widget is back...

i have so many things i want to post, but since the bed is calling, i'm going to limit it to Delta!

today was such a fun family day! mama, daddy, benjamin, and i all went to the unveiling of the new delta widget! there was a flyover with the first plane showing the new symbol, games, performers, cotton candy, bill elliot, tons of photo ops, and so much more! here are some pics of the day...

the first is the flyover, and the second is a big sign flying at the GO with the new red widget...then the girls...the boys...and last, diana digarmo (?sp) former american idol runner up!

here's a sneak peak of the mom's day gift!

Monday, May 7, 2007

thanks kim!!!

so, i was having a rough day making me rethink next year (i was subbing for 7th grade, the same kids i will have next year in 8th)...and all of a sudden i see this

which means all of this is headed my way!!!!!'re amazing! thanks so much! this has inspired me to get an RAK in the works...the day that i reach 1000 hits on here, i will do a drawing from all of the comments i receive. don't worry, we have a while, since i'm only on 600 right now! i'll post when that day comes, i just wanted you to know, so you to keep checking should leave comments too! ok, the commercial is over and 24 is back on; i can't be distracted while watching jack save the world!

jenn <><

Sunday, May 6, 2007

the weekend...

i hope everyone had a fab weekend!!!

friday was the relay...
here's kelley all bundled up!

here i am with my was pretty cold for a May night in GA!

staying up all night meant no scrappiness on NSD, but i did catch up on some sleep :)

today was church...unfortunately, i slept in again, but i did make it to sunday school and to my VBS meeting tonight! i also finished a layout and a couple of cards, including one for mothers day! this is good so i won't have to worry about it next weekend!

i know this is a pretty boring blog, but i had a few mins to write a little!

ps...did you know the stick that holds up the hood of a car is called the prop rod...haha...made me laugh!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

happy day...

happy national scrapbooking day...and cinco de mayo...and national make out day! sadly, i'm not participating in any of these activities :( relay for life was last night (i'll post pics later), so all i've done today is sleep! maybe i'll get one layout done just so i don't feel as if i've wasted the day! to all of you who are giving away gifts and having contests on your blogs/sites, thanks sooo much! you all make the day a fun one to look forward to!

happy day...whatever you're celebrating!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

the look

do ya like the new look...let me know!
i may blog more later; if not, have a terrific tuesday!!!