Tuesday, May 22, 2007


there have been fires in south georgia going on for a while now...and today, the haze and smell of smoke are covering the state! as soon as i walked outside, i thought the house was on fire! the smokiness covers all of metro atlanta! i heard on the radio that 600 square miles are covered with a black cloud...CRAZY!!! rain, please come and wash the haze away!!!


Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

Ohmy... How awful... I hope it rains REALLY hARD


Holly said...

Jenn, we are getting the HAZE all the way up to Kentucky....or at least that is what the local news says it is....STAY safe and don't breathe....LOL

Anonymous said...

we got those hazy conditions here in Central Florida as well, they were so bad. Thankfully the rain came just when it was needed here anyway...