Sunday, December 9, 2007

a quick update...

i've done a little scrapping lately; not enough, but that's what Christmas break will be for! here's they are...
1-Living with a boy...about the messiness i always came home to when i lived with my brother
2-watching the world RUSH sitting on a train on vacation
3-sonny money-the $100 classroom teachers get thanks to sonny perdue
4-a frame for my friend anna who is teaching in Africa (hope she doesn't see this...if you do, hope you love it!)
this is the last week of the year with students! teachers go next monday morning, but then we're all out for the year! that sounds so amazing!!! two and a half weeks of sleeping in, scrapping late at night, and having time to do the little things around the clean!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I saved my "Sonny Money" card to scrap too. haha. At least I'm not the only crazy one. I'm so behind though - I've got two Sonny Money cards to scrap. :-p